Kerala Wedding Rituals and Customs: Sacred and Divine

Wedding in Kerala celebrate with great enthusiasm and is a nice example of simplicity. Wedding is the celebration of new beginning of life. With the support of loyal and caring partner, the journey of married life can run smoothly. Find that kind of partner is become headache of life when the person attained the marriageable age. Kerala society normally prefers to find life partner in its own community just to protect their KeralaMatrimony customs and rituals for a whole life. Wedding in Kerala takes less time to complete. They have very few rituals that commemorate with happiness and will blow your mind. They usually choose nearby temple or the bride’s home to organize the wedding function. In this way, they save their valuable time and money not to be overused. This essential feature of Kerala wedding makes its beautiful and a grand event. Let’s take a glance on some jaw-dropping customs of the Kerala weddings Muhurtham: Kundali or horoscope of both the bride and groom ne...